Monday, October 10, 2011

following the molar pregnancy

Why Choose a Career in Accounting?

One of the biggest key benefits that you can obtain form accounting is the experience you can gain from working in the accounting field. With accounting, you learn how businesses work and operate in a ever evolving field. This is very important experience that you can gain, that will not only help you in the field of accounting, but this experience will also help you know how to organize and run your own business. It is a fact that many successful business people in the world today, were at one time involved in the field of accounting. The knowledge they gained form accounting helped them build their own professional establishment. Even if you eventually leave a career in accounting to pursue a career somewhere else, your experiences from accounting will still become useful and beneficial.

The skills required in accounting are not high except in two areas being, analytical and computer skills. When compared to many of the different professional careers out there, almost any skill requires you to have some type of attention to detail as well as computer technology skills. However, accounting differs from the rest in other areas. In accounting you do not have to socialize with many people, you work in a self pressure environment only, and you do not need a high amount of initiative. This separates accounting from many other different professions, making accounting a much easier career to develop the necessary skills to become an accountant. The best feature of a career in accounting, is that anyone can learn to become an accountant. There are no specific skills or talents that cannot be learned and developed in the field of accounting.

The other major benefit of a career in accounting is the great pay. In fact, in your first year of accounting you can make as much as fifty-five thousand dollars a year. Within ten years or less of your career in accounting, you should be making over six figures. This can be obtained quicker by furthering your degree in accounting which you can reach as high as an MBA. There are many careers that take much longer to receive accreditation for that do not allow you to earn that type of income so quickly. Along with all the other benefits of accounting, it is no surprise that accounting is a very popular field that many people are working to get into.

You can see for yourself that accounting has many professional and career benefits that are appealing to anyone. From being able to work in a professional setting either for a large corporation, the government or yourself, accounting offers some key features and benefits that cnanot be found in other professional careers.
Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by rab1501 - July 29, 2011 at 10:21 pm
Categories: Business   Tags: Attention To Detail, Career In Accounting, Computer Skills, Field Of Accounting, Necessary Skills, Own Business, Professional Careers, Six Figures, Successful Business People, Talents

Healing Arts That Provide Relief

Healing arts is a broad term that refers to activities incorporation art and imagination in healing life wounds caused by everyday life. Healing art methods are different per individual. Art is used for healing in many different forms. Healing using art can encompass a wide range of activities such as water color, Family sculpture, family sculpture, or even water coloring. Healing arts embrace many alternative methods and treatments in forms such as massage, Reiki, aromatherapy and traditional Chinese medicine, amongst many others. Massage therapy is the most popular and widely accepted healing art.

Massage therapy is a process that releases endorphins in the same fashion exercise does. This helps fight anxiety and feelings of depression. Massages prevent as well as relieve migraine headaches. Many doctors including physicians suggest massage therapy to mothers who are expectant as well as for post-surgery patients. Those suffering from arthritis also discovered that regular sessions of massage therapy help result in reduced joint pain and swelling.

Reiki therapy, another common art form, is gentle, pleasant, and soothing. Reiki therapy is very powerful and has many benefits. Stress reduction is the first one. An entrance of relaxation is brought forth through Reiki, allowing for a mental state with no controversy. Meditation is deeply involved in Reiki. A combination of relaxation and meditation provides an effective way of reducing stress. Health ailments which are physical are psychologically rooted from current and past events. Positive energy focus is the key to successful Reiki therapy, blocking out negativity almost completely from the mind.

An article recently published defined another art as unique, exceptional, and healing. This was construction a fire pit. Although this project may sound tough, a true dedication to a fire pit home made by a person can result in a very quick completion. The process of construction is an art creation and an admiration toward the final product which is both rewarding and healing in its artistic form. Fire pit construction can have very long-lasting effects, and it can continue to be a generator of beauty and warmth for many years. Having a piece of art last for many years can be both rewarding and inspirational. A fire pit project can bring a way of healing for a lengthened number of years which can be enjoyed by family and friends who take will take notice of the uniqueness and quality captured by the fire pit art form.

If you feel that you are not skilled enough for constructing a fire pit, perhaps it is still possible to enjoy a created masterpiece which is homemade. An addition of personal scenery by sitting around and enjoying the pleasure and gifts around the fire-pit may also contribute to the healing.

The art of healing is a very interactive with actual healing arts. Visions created define art and helps fulfills emotions of happiness. In life, creations can be difficult to process, but the justification may be all you need. With a completed product, a person can marvel about the beauty in which was created. Hunt for a healing art that can help discharge relaxation for you. The tasks that will challenge you may not always be easy, but the rewards from hard work serve as the result of the healing arts.
Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by rab1501 - at 3:29 pm
Categories: Health And Fitness   Tags: Art Methods, Chinese Medicine, Feelings Of Depression, Fire Pit, Healing Art, Healing Arts, Health Ailments, Reducing Stress, Stress Reduction, Using Art

Emotional Detoxification

Many of us have at one time or another undergone a physical detoxification that was supposed to clear one’s body of chemical, viral, bacterial, fungal and other parasitic toxins. We do this to improve the ecology and health of our physical bodies. Those of you who have done this will know how sensitive you become, following the “detox” process to foods that your body doesn’t tolerate.

It’s as if through the detoxification process you have also fine tuned your body’s ability to recognize the toxins when they are presented to it. It is this increased awareness that therefore assists you in preventing you, if you heed it, from re-toxifying your body.

So in other words you are essentially re-awakening yourself to the body’s natural inner wisdom about what is and isn’t good for it. It is this inner wisdom which becomes buried or blunted by all of the toxins that exist in the body in the first place. Without the help of this inner wisdom your ability to hear and listen to the body’s needs becomes impaired.

I have introduced “physical detoxification” as a metaphor for something that many of us have also likely never experienced because it is, in my view, an entirely new phenomenon. That is the phenomenon of “Emotional Detoxification”.

So what is Emotional Detoxification? Well put simply, it is the detoxification of “emotional toxins” from the mind/body or the energy bio-field. Emotional toxins become embedded in the bio-field as a result of any negative experience that one has had in their life time. The bio-field, in a sponge-like manner, finds itself “absorbing” such negative life experience in a cumulative manner.

The net accumulation of this life experience condenses out into what we call the personality for one. It also, at a deeper level, condenses out into the physiological state (i.e. state of health/illness/age) of our physical bodies.

The process of accumulation of emotional toxins from this life history has the same effect on our inner wisdom as do physical/chemical/biological toxins. They overwhelm our ability to handle them and they “desensitize” us to their presence. In other words, once we find ourselves carrying a great deal of “emotional negativity” inside us, a little bit more will not even be noticed entering us and therefore will “get in” unimpeded.

This, as I’m sure you can discern, leaves an individual extremely vulnerable to the negative consequences of such toxicity. These include the following: a drain on one’s life energy, depression, a sense of hopelessness and helplessness, illness, and ultimately giving up on life itself. In other words this accumulation winds up killing its host, just like other toxins.
Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by rab1501 - July 28, 2011 at 2:49 pm
Categories: Health And Fitness   Tags: Accumulation, Detoxification Process, Ecology, Inner Wisdom, Life History, Metaphor, Negative Life Experience, Personality, Physical Bodies, Physiological State

IFRS – New King of American Accounting?


The International Financial Reporting Standards, commonly referred to as IFRS, is emerging as the dominant global accounting model. Traditionally, the United States has been the worldwide model for accounting procedure with their use of GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). Today, more than 100 countries worldwide accept IFRS as their primary accounting standards or permit its use. This trend has led to much speculation about whether or not the United States will move away from their traditional use of GAAP and also adopt IFRS for its accounting guidelines. This would have a tremendous impact on American businesses as well as accountants, financial planners, and investors in the United States and abroad.

Adoption of IFRS

Many experts speculate the United States is on track to switch to IFRS as early as 2014. Ultimately, the SEC, government, and FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) are the controlling powers as far as the adoption of IFRS. Some large multi-national corporations with foreign subsidiaries have begun using IFRS. The FASB has stated that it will include IFRS questions on their CPA exams starting in 2011. Also, businesses and institutions of higher education are already training accountants in IFRS procedure. American multi-national conglomerates are pushing for IFRS because they will not have to keep two sets of accounting books – one for GAAP and one for international subsidiaries that are required to use IFRS. Considering all of Europe and the leading economic powers of Asia, South American, and Africa have all adopted IFRS, it seems as though the United States will, too.

Advantages of IFRS

If the United States switches to IFRS as their accounting principle standard, all publicly traded companies would report on the new international standard. This change would not affect not-for-profit institutions and small businesses. By switching to IFRS, American international businesses would become more competitive because global investors would be able to decipher companies financial statements with less difficulty and with greater confidence. Because they would already be familiar with the accounting standards of IFRS, investors may be more likely to invest in companies since they have an understanding of accounting principles of revenue, inventory, liabilities, etc. For example, GAAP and IFRS report inventories differently. So a prospective investor familiar with IFRS more clearly understands the financial position of a company. This benefit is on a smaller scale. One must also consider investments on a larger scale. Foreign corporations are also more likely to invest in US businesses if everyone was adhering by the same standards. Studies have shown a convergence from GAAP to IFRS, more often than not, improves a companies financial statements with IFRS. This is good news for businesses as well as investors.

Disadvantages of IFRS

Implementing a new accounting standard nation-wide could potentially be expensive and frustrating. Accountants, CPA’s, and businesses who are accustomed to GAAP are forced to learn new principles under the international system. This will require training and re-education of the workforce in order to implement a new accounting system. There are certificate programs as well as other education programs currently available for people to gain knowledge and experience with IFRS. Some experts believe IFRS is the biggest change in accounting policy since GAAP was established in the 1930′s.
Also, IFRS is more broadly defined as to its guidelines. GAAP on the other hand, is much more specific in its overall principles and constraints. It may be easier for accountants to use IFRS because it allows for some objective decision making in regards to how businesses interpret IFRS. This fact may cause some distrust among American investors who are unfamiliar with IFRS. A key reason for the success of GAAP is its detailed, rule oriented approach to accounting.


Because of the international acceptance of IFRS, it seems inevitable that the United States will be adopting IFRS sooner, rather than later. The groundwork is being laid for the transition away from GAAP. The market today truly is a global economy and this is proof of that fact. IFRS has been tested around the world and the majority agrees it has been successful. This is a progressive way of thinking and being innovative in today’s worldwide market place. Although the transition ultimately will not be seamless, groundwork for adoption is being presented by FASB and other accounting foundations. The re-education of current accountants along with educating and training new accountants is crucial to the success of businesses using IFRS. Since IFRS questions will be on the CPA exam starting in 2011, IFRS education has already begun with the next generation of CPA’s. After the transition period from GAAP to IFRS, the United States will benefit from a global, homogenous accounting system in today’s global economy.
Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by rab1501 - at 4:27 am
Categories: Business   Tags: Accounting Books, Accounting Standards Board, Conglomerates, Cpa Exams, Fasb, Financial Accounting Standards Board, Financial Reporting Standards, Institutions Of Higher Education, Profit Institutions, Worldwide Model

Molar Pregnancy

A molar pregnancy is rare, but can cause severe complications when it is discovered and evacuated. The actual medical term is hydatidiform mole. It means the pregnancy has not produced a fetus. The bulk of the product in the uterus is an abnormal placenta. There are two types of molar pregnancies that will be discussed, but the most important point of these pregnancies is the aftercare.

The first type is called a complete molar pregnancy. Essentially it means that the product of conception is strictly the placenta which has grown abnormally. There is no fetus. There are rarely any symptoms that indicate there is a problem. She may experience nausea, vomiting and perhaps spotting too, but all of these can also be regular signs of normal pregnancy. The way in which this happens is that a sperm fertilizes an empty egg; therefore all that grows is the placenta. It is normally discovered using an ultrasound. The placenta would resemble like a bunch of grapes. At this point the uterus must be evacuated. This procedure is commonly called a D&C.

The complication that can happen after the evacuation is that if all of the tissue is not removed it can begin to grow again. This tissue can also metastasize like cancer and grow in other areas like the lungs, brain and vagina. The recommended action is that you do not attempt to have another pregnancy for the next twelve months following the molar pregnancy. If the molar begins to grow again the pregnancy related hormone will start to rise. Your doctor will order chest x-rays and CAT scans of your brain to be sure that the tissue has not infected those areas. If it has, treatment is using a chemotherapy drug called methotrexate; which can be given as a single injection. Sometime a series of injection is needed but one is typically enough to eradicate the invading tissue.

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