Thursday, November 10, 2011

you shrink your consciousness
Leaders of modern thought assert that our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies-which are at the root of behaviors, perceptions, reactions, habits, symptoms, and more-provide concise and exquisite communications from our subconscious aspects. They inform us, whether by a whisper or a scream, of the needs required by our consciousness and existence for survival and growth, and give indications of how and where we have strayed from the path of our soul.

When we become aware of these signals it is because we are experiencing stress, illness, disease, and dysfunctional conditions in our relationships and in other areas of our lives. At the base of these symptoms lies a misalignment with reality; something in our relationship with truth has gone awry.

Let’s look at some of the fundamental issues that are frequently uncovered in my research and with my clients. I categorize them as falling into one of the following categories: Fear Based, Semantics Confusion, and Under-developed Philosophy.

Undeveloped Philosophy Without purposeful attention towards a personal philosophy, it is likely that there will be intrinsic flaws that will eventually cause blocks, self-destruction, senseless patterns, illness, or worse. Here are a few “snafus” that regularly occur:


• A contradiction cannot exist in nature. So if you are holding two beliefs-and they don’t fit together perfectly like two matching pieces of a jigsaw puzzle-then one (or both) belief is not aligned with reality.

• Holding to a “fact” that is not in alignment with the rest of your philosophy or knowledge of reality requires that you shrink your consciousness, build a wall, or create a division in your relationship with reality.

• Later in this body of work you will discover more information about contradictions and how to eliminate them in your life.

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